No. You will be provided access to the self-directed learning modules for the courses you are already accredited to deliver. You can complete the online training if you would like.
If you want to become accredited to deliver any new courses, you will need to pay an additional fee of £250 (excl VAT) and complete the course.
Yes. Despite experience or qualifications, everyone that wishes to become a facilitator must attend all training sessions and complete the training in 3 months.
Once you have completed the initial 2-day core training, you will be required to complete your self-directed learning modules within 30 days. You must complete your modules in 30 days.
We have criteria to ensure all facilitators have the relevant skills and knowledge to support the children, and deliver the programme skilfully. You do not need to be a trained therapist. This programme is designed to be delivered in schools and wider community settings.
Yes it can, if the facilitator feels comfortable to do so. We recommend that you put in place a document that can guide you to ensure you consider safeguarding. Our team can support you with this.
You will be asked to complete the application form and seek one reference. Once we confirm your application, you will be asked to book on to your training course.
Click here for more details.
No. We do not believe that it is ethical to ask children to role play abuse they may have been exposed to. Even if the child opts out, it is not in their best interest to watch their peers role playing abuse. This method can re-traumatise children and it will not help children to process their trauma.
No it doesn't. To find out why, click here
Yes. Many children impacted by domestic abuse will experience angry feelings or ongoing stress and anxiety. To support our Healing Together Facilitators, we have expanded our library of programmes to provide specialist knowledge and resources of how to support CYP experiencing these feelings.
The resources (i.e. information sheets and leaflets) in the online portal have been updated.
Please speak with the team about the new programmes and your chance to upskill.
We recommend that two people facilitate each group session. The lead facilitator (certified facilitator) and a co-facilitator (with relevant experience). We believe that people should have the opportunity to learn from each other. We hope the co-facilitator progresses to a lead facilitator in the future.
No, everyone will attend the same training despite the programmes they wish to deliver.
No. The resources can only be used as part of the Healing Together programme as they are specifically designed for it. Please do not use the resources/exercises outside of the programme or in another context.
In order to maintain safety and quality, we cap the group numbers at:
Primary group programme: 5 children maximum
Secondary group programme: 6 children maximum
No. Everybody’s experience of domestic abuse is unique and therefore siblings need their own safe space to start their journey of recovery. Having a sibling in the same group can impact their ability to engage effectively in the group.
Yes, but only if the children are attending the Healing Together programme to support with their ongoing stress and/or anxiety.
Yes. We recommend that parents/caregivers provides consent for their child to engage in the Healing Together programme. We provide you a consent form to use, but feel free to use your own.
It is important parents/carers feel comfortable with their child attending the Healing Together programme. The online portal includes a leaflet for parents/carers and a video. These resources provide lots of information.
Watch the video: click here
If you have not yet trained to become a Healing Together facilitator then please contact our team who can help answer your questions and give you a product demonstration - click here.
If you are already an accredited facilitator and need some support with delivery of the programme, please speak with our Support Team.